
We know the secret of your success

  • 60684 Wendell Camp,
    New Orpha, West Virginia, United States
  • Email:
  • Phone: +447741609415
  • Fax: +(704) 213-7895

Invoice Information

Invoice No: #PGS009180

Invoice to: Michael Bean

  • 1234 North Avenue Luke Lane,
    South Bend, IN 360001
  • Email:
  • Phone: +447741609415
Invoice Date: February 20, 2021
Due Date: February 24, 2021
# Description Quantity Unit rate Total
01 Character Illustration Design 22 $250 $2500
02 Apple Hospital Branding logo 15 $50 $300
03 Mackbook Pro Retina Display Model 2017 105 $30 $3500
04 iPhone X 256 GB 65 $26 $1500
Sub - Total amount: $5500
Vat: $50
Grand Total: $5550
Note: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur id illo incidunt, iste libero quisquam? A aut cumque fuga fugit iusto libero officia optio quasi, quisquam saepe voluptate voluptatibus voluptatum. Thanks for your business

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